Unit 9
Listening Practice


What are the UN's Millennium Development Goals?

Goal 7   Ensure environmental stability:  
The goal is to reduce by 50 percent the number of people without access to safe drinking water, and reduce the number of slum dwellers by 2020 

Colombia: Tracing Water Pollution
         --exercise created by Hyun Ahe (Sylvia) Lee, and Joyce Lam

Watch the video at the link below. Consider how the subject relates to MDG #7:

Note the programme transcript:

Location mentioned in the video: __________________

Major industry of the village: _____________________

  • What is the IAEA doing in Colombia?  Why is it important?
  • Why is knowing about water pollution important?
  • According what you have seen in the video, how can the locals help to improve the situation?     

Key words:

  • Toxic by-products
  • Pesticide
  • Fertilizer
  • IAEA (International Atomic           Energy Agency)
  • Mercury
  • Mining
  • Heavy metals
  • Industry
  • Fresh-water

Discussion questions:
Why is knowing about water pollution important?
According what you have seen in the video, how can the locals help to improve the situation?   


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